For this week, we decided to do a mini-grab bag, so we talk about BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle and the most recent otome in the Summer of Mystery–Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk. First up, we talk about BlazBlue (which has no consistent pronunciation) and how fun the story is, how nice it is to see the P4 crew hanging out again, and how neither of us knew a dang thing about Under Night In Birth, but now we’re interested in those characters and story. Next up, we talked about Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk, which really plays more as a straight-up visual novel than an otome. As always, I walk everybody through the wild story, as well as each route and ending (with one flub because I didn’t care about the dude.) You can also check out our twitter for my updated list of otome rankings!
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This week is WILD. First, Jared and I talk about the Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 DLC that launched during E3. We give our overall thoughts on the DLC, how it plays, what it adds, and if it’s worth it. Finally, we take our otome train down a path everybirdie has been waiting for (I’m 10000% positive on this.) We played through Hatoful Boyfriend and its holiday pack, so we talk about how this otome parody nails otome, which was Jared’s best boy bird, and the wackiness that is this amazing game. Plus, Jared on-the-spot had me update my otome rankings.
Leave a CommentThis is a wild and crazy otome week on the SAC OVA! Jared and I kicked things off by talking about the surprise release of the Code Realize OVA, which follows Lupin, Sholmes, and the gang in a unique post-game story. After that, I get to talk about 7’Scarlet, the newest otome game in the Summer of Mystery. I talk about the individual guys, the overall story, and how much I love my newest anime boyfriend. (Spoilers, obviously, in this section) Finally, Jared and I make some E3 predictions, so we can see how right or wrong we are over the next few days!
Leave a CommentIn a very on-brand podcast this week, Jared and I tackle two games very different games that serve up healthy amounts of wackiness and emotion. First, I discuss the most recent otome I have played, Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly. (Say that three times fast!) I discuss the characters, the interesting flow chart mechanic, my favorite of the guys, unexpected sadness, and how completely bonkers the story gets at times. Jared then takes over to finish talking about Yakuza 6. Jared first talked about Yakuza a bit ago, but now that he has completed the game, he talks about the rest of the story beats, playing baseball, how many people he beat up, and also a massive amount of sadness.
Spoilers for both games!
And please enjoy the art that is Jared’s cover art this week.
Somehow I’ve gotten Jared into the ridiculousness that is Code: Realize, and we’ve talked previously about the game and the anime. Last week, US fans were treated to the fan disc, which is essentially a fan service expansion of the original story. In this episode, we discuss that fan disc, Code: Realize ~Future Blessings~, in its entirety. We talk about which of the OG guys has the best route, how much I hate Van Helsing, the addition of a datable Herlock Sholmés, a mafia route, and a Finis route which is surprisingly not disgusting. (Looking at you Period Cube) There is also a fun series of stories featuring everybody’s favorite adorable Drac-chan. Needless to say, I was stoked about this expansion, and the more Code: Realize I get, the happier I am.
Spoilers throughout! Listen here!
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This week, Jared and I dig into the grab bag to talk about four games. I talk about the newest Layton game, Layton’s Mystery Journey. While I love the series, this game had some serious flaws. I also give initial thoughts on my playthrough of my most recent otome game, Bad Apple Wars. Jared talked about Pyre, a fantasy sports game developed Supergiant. He also discusses a magical girl RPG called Blue Reflection and how the game itself isn’t awesome but it shows what can be done with the genre.
Leave a CommentJared asked me this week to talk again about my favorite otome game, and who am I to say no to that!? Since there is an upcoming Code: Realize anime in October, Jared wanted a crash course in this insanely bonkers story. Given that this is a game set in steampunk London with datable historic and literary guys, I was already sold from the get-go. I tell you who is best boy, give you hot takes on the special sexy CGs, and Jared is amazed at the life of a wealthy landowner.
2 CommentsThis week, we decided to do a grab bag episode! I give you some intense comprehensive info on the otome game called Period Cube: Shackles of Amadeus, Jared talks about Puyo Puyo Tetris, and we tell you the best and only way to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
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