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Category: Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA Podcast

Summer Game Fest/E3 2021 Preview

It’s that time of year again! The video games are taking over. Somehow, E3 is not dead, and we’ve also got this weird divorced and fighting scenario with E3 and Summer Game Fest. We talk about who is going to be there, make our predictions, and already get things wrong.

BUT before that! We talk about the recent controversy with Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice. Voice actors got fired! Actual censorship is a problem! Bad fans are bad! It’s basically a giant train wreck, and I give you the full breakdown of events and explain why I quit the game despite playing it since launch.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–AL Experiences Yakuza 5

This week, we’re back into the real world of Yakuza instead of the fake imitation Yakuza from last week. We get to drive a taxi, fist fight a bear, become an idol, be disgusting, and play baseball. This sure is a Yakuza game! We talk about the story and chat about how the pieces all it together, as well as deciding where it ranks in the rest of the series so far.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Famicom Detective Club

This week, Jared and I are going to put on our detective hats and solve a couple of mysteries! Nintendo recently released the Famicom Detective Club games: The Missing Heir and The Girl Who Stands Behind for the Switch, marking the first time these games have officially been translated and released in the west. We discuss the back stories of these games, let a teenage boy look at a lot of dead bodies, break down the stories themselves, and talk about how surprisingly dark one game is.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan (Anime OVA)

Two weeks ago, we talked about the live action Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan series, and this week, we’re here to talk about the anime OVAs that recently had an overseas release on Netflix. We talk about the similarities and differences of the one episode that overlaps with the live action, we chat about the plots of the other three episodes, the dub voice cast, swol Yu Narukami, which episodes are the strongest, and why Josuke can’t talk.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe (Live Action)

This week, we’re getting a little bizarre again. We’re back in the JoJo universe with the live action adaptation of Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe. We chat about all three episodes, how they make this feel unique from other adaptations of this material and JJBA Part 4 generally, and ultimately what we think about the mini series.

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