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Category: Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA Podcast

Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Comfort Food (Video Games & Anime)

This week, Jared and I have a conversation about what video games and anime serve as comfort food for us when we’re feeling sad or having a bad week/stressed. We’ve discussed a lot of these games and anime before in individual episodes, but we discuss why they work for us as comforting pieces of media. Also,

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

This week, Jared and I head to Antartica and hang out with some twins. I am sure this is fine. We played the game that some have said was supposed to be Resident Evil 3, talk about it’s odd development history, what this story does and what it ultimately means for Resident Evil as a whole, our theory on why Chris got so beefy in later games, and how Steve deserved better.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Sailor Moon (PCE-CD), Totally Reliable Delivery Service, Metal Gear Solid 2 (Novel)

This week, Jared and I bring you a bit of a wild grab bag. First, Jared played a fan translation of the PC Engine CD version of Sailor Moon, and he discusses how it plays and where it fits in the Sailor Moon story. Next, we both played Totally Reliable Delivery Service, so we chat about the shenanigans we got into playing that and how it’s super fun to fling your friends. Finally, Jared read a novelization of Metal Gear Solid 2, and he talks about whether it works in novel form while I rage about Kojima existing.

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