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Category: Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA Podcast

Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA-Anime Grab Bag!

So, I did a not very AL-like thing and watched a bunch of anime on a whim recently after I finished a kdrama and started getting Netflix recommendations. First, I watched 2011’s Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day, which is sad and cute. After that, I watched one that I wasn’t as into, KyoAni’s Violet Evergarden. While it’s definitely beautiful, I discuss my problems with it here. The last one I watched was Kaguya-sama: Love is War from earlier this year. Jared actually had watched some of that, so we got to chat about what we liked and what it reminds me of. LASTLY, Jared ran a super gauntlet and has finally finished all 220 episodes of Naruto, including all the filler. You get to hear his thoughts too.

Listen here for all the anime goodness!

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Fire Emblem: Three Houses

This week, Jared and I played the most recent game in the Fire Emblem franchise, Three Houses. We discuss our overall thoughts on the characters, the story, how I felt about the NG+, the problematic queer bating, and how people really should just play Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. Fair warning, we do vary a bit from the consensus on this game.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Judgment and Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward

This week, Jared and I take on two very different games. The first is the latest game from the Yakuza team, Judgment. Jared talks about how it is to be a detective and attorney while people are losing their eyes left and right. We then talk about the endings of Virtue’s Last Reward, since we recently did another play through.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

I always wondered who the architect of the castle in Symphony of the Night was because he had some crazy design choices. Apparently that fictional architect got more work for the castle in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night! This was one of the biggest Kickstarter games, and so Jared and I played it to see if it could break the nostalgia crowd funding curse. We also do a mid-summer preview of what the rest of 2019 might look like for releases and what we are hyped for.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Liz and the Blue Bird

This week, Jared and I dove into another Kyoto Animation movie, Liz and the Blue Bird. While technically a spin-off from Sound Euphonium, the movie can stand alone as well. (Which is good since I haven’t seen Sound Euphonium!) We talk about the wild flexes Kyoto Animation does, the details of the story, and how the relationship between the two main characters can be interpreted.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA– Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth

Jared and I played one of the last games on the 3DS, Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, and here we are to talk about it. We talk about what we think about the story and how it works with the cast of 4 games, how the characters are treated in this vs the original Q, how one character that sucked in 5 is actually not bad here, the phenomenal music, and how FeMC deserved better.

Listen here!

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

We got through another part of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, so Jared and I are here to chat about part 4–Diamond is Unbreakable! We run through the major plot points, our thoughts on what makes Part 4 so different from the rest, how awesome the aesthetics are, and how DiU renewed my love of Savage Garden.

Listen here!

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