Another year, another E3! This year’s E3 was pretty weird and full of yelling, and Jared and I go through each press conference and break them down. We talk about what’s exciting, what’s not, and how one trailer gave us pure and utter joy.
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We finally get to talk about this game! YAY! But first, Jared and I talk about our E3 2019 predictions. After that, we dive straight into Trails of Cold Steel II, where we talk about the story, the new features in both the sequel and the PS4 release, the crazy twists at the end, about the game’s ending, and where we think Trails of Cold Steel III will go.
Leave a CommentThis week, Jared and I continue the trend of watching live action adaptations of anime/manga with Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable Chapter 1. (Say that three times fast!) We talk about how the crazy aesthetics of Jojo translate into live action, how they handled stands, the insane acting ability of Kento Yamazaki, why Jotaro is 50, how they truncated the series and what we think about that, and the future of the live action film series.
Leave a CommentAlmost a year ago, Jared and I talked about the anime Orange. I really loved it, and so when Jared and I found out that there was a live action film (via the main actor also staring in live action Jojo), we decided to chat about it. We talk about what’s different, how the story translates, and Maxwell tells us all how he feels.
Leave a CommentRecently, I decided to binge watch Hi Score Girl while on my elliptical, and since Jared had already watched the Japanese version, we decided to chat about it this week! We explore the world of Japanese arcades in the 90s, the unique art and characters, and why Guile should always be your moral compass.
Leave a CommentJared and I finally got to watch the Love Live! Sunshine!! movie! In this episode, we discuss Over the Rainbow, including all the spoilers. We talk about the story, the performances, the character development, what this means for Aqours, and how it is a good time to be a Ruby and Leah fan!
Leave a CommentAges ago, Jared and I discussed Final Fantasy X-2. Jared argued that Final Fantasy X-2 was a much better game than Final Fantasy X and has since argued that FFX is a bad game. With the rerelease of the HD versions, I finally got Jared to play through Final Fantasy X with me, and so on this episode, we discuss the laughing scene, the fantastic character development and my forever love of Rikku, our thoughts on Tidus as a deuteragonist (Yuna is a deuteragonist y’all) and character, and whether Jared still thinks Final Fantasy X is a bad game.
Leave a CommentThis week, Jared and I decided to chat about everything video game adaptation! We talk about how games going to other media, vice versa, what works for them, what doesn’t, John Leguizamo, and our favorite adaptations.
Leave a CommentHave you ever wondered what being a clone is like? What if you found yourself stuck on an island with a ragtag group of folks that range from an heiress, a farmer, a children’s doctor, a writer, a cop, a flower shop owner, a rope enthusiast, or a child with robot prosthetics? What if all these people were led by two mascot characters on a television show to confront their dark pasts? What if all of this was created with some of the Danganronpa team? Well, all the and more is in Zanki Zero: Last Beginning! We talk about what works, what doesn’t, and spoilers galore.
Leave a CommentThis week on the SAC OVA, we ask of you remember the DL-6 incident. A lot. We’re discussing the very first Ace Attorney series, which is nearing 20 years old now. We talk about the development history, all the cases, and how sometimes you just have to have spiky hair, cross-examine a parrot, and yell “OBJECTION!” a lot.
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