This week, Jared and I decided to talk about the recently completed anime adaptation of The Caligula Effect–Caligula. We talk about our extremely brief experiences with the Vita release of the game and the pedigree behind the writing, and then we hop right into the anime and how our opinions have changed. We also talk about how the adaptation of Caligula differs from most game adaptation anime (in a good way), the fantastic music, and how I’ve learned something about myself when it comes to dudes and swan boats.
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This week is WILD. First, Jared and I talk about the Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 DLC that launched during E3. We give our overall thoughts on the DLC, how it plays, what it adds, and if it’s worth it. Finally, we take our otome train down a path everybirdie has been waiting for (I’m 10000% positive on this.) We played through Hatoful Boyfriend and its holiday pack, so we talk about how this otome parody nails otome, which was Jared’s best boy bird, and the wackiness that is this amazing game. Plus, Jared on-the-spot had me update my otome rankings.
Leave a CommentThis week, we breakdown all the press conferences from this year’s E3! We discuss all the main video games shown from EA on Saturday to Nintendo on Tuesday, as well as our reactions to the overall show. We also talk about which games we’re looking forward to most and how this was a weird year of E3.
Leave a CommentThis is a wild and crazy otome week on the SAC OVA! Jared and I kicked things off by talking about the surprise release of the Code Realize OVA, which follows Lupin, Sholmes, and the gang in a unique post-game story. After that, I get to talk about 7’Scarlet, the newest otome game in the Summer of Mystery. I talk about the individual guys, the overall story, and how much I love my newest anime boyfriend. (Spoilers, obviously, in this section) Finally, Jared and I make some E3 predictions, so we can see how right or wrong we are over the next few days!
Leave a CommentIn the past, Jared and I talked about the Persona games and spinoffs in a two part retrospective episode. This week, to celebrate the Japanese release of Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night, we decided to talk about these games as well as Persona 4: Dancing All Night in depth. Jared tells us the differences and similarities in the new games to DAN, how the new comm mode works and if it compares to a story mode, and we both get mad at a particular dance in Dancing Star Night that perpetuates our issues with Persona 5. We also talk about how surprisingly great that Dancing All Night story was and the tragedy of no FeMC or playable Koromaru in Dancing Moon Night.
Leave a CommentIn a tailor-made episode for the resident musou queen, Jared and I talk about Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition this week. Two of my favorite franchises, The Legend of Zelda and musou, are mashed together for this game. While this is my third time buying it, the utter joy it brings me still exists. We discuss the story, the awesome fan service, what should have been in there, and how ridiculously fun it is to take down thousands of dudes with the mashing of buttons. I also will put it on the record that Groose should have been playable, and I forgot to mention that in the podcast.
Leave a CommentThis week, Jared and I talk about two relatively recent games that have been quite controversial. Jared talks about Mass Effect: Andromeda, where he discusses the development cycle, whether it deserves all the flack it gets, and his thoughts as a fan of the series. I discuss Final Fantasy XV, which we’ve talked about a lot on the pod up to this point but had yet to actually play. I discuss the story, the issues I had, and whether or not it deserves the criticism Jared and I have directed towards it for a good while.
Leave a CommentYet again, I have convinced Jared to tackle another Zelda game. This time, we played Majora’s Mask. We talk about what’s good, what’s bad, how it compares to Ocarina, why it’s so controversial, and how Jared and I absolutely despise the Zelda timeline.
Leave a CommentIn a very on-brand podcast this week, Jared and I tackle two games very different games that serve up healthy amounts of wackiness and emotion. First, I discuss the most recent otome I have played, Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly. (Say that three times fast!) I discuss the characters, the interesting flow chart mechanic, my favorite of the guys, unexpected sadness, and how completely bonkers the story gets at times. Jared then takes over to finish talking about Yakuza 6. Jared first talked about Yakuza a bit ago, but now that he has completed the game, he talks about the rest of the story beats, playing baseball, how many people he beat up, and also a massive amount of sadness.
Spoilers for both games!
And please enjoy the art that is Jared’s cover art this week.
This week, Jared and I took a different approach to the OVA. Since I defended (and passed!) my dissertation defense this week, we decided to talk in depth about the early years of the video game industry in the United States. We discuss the very first video games, the formation and culture of Atari, women and video games in the 1980s, the video game crash, and Nintendo’s resurrection of the industry, as well as some parallels of the early industry into today. If you want a crash course on the early history of the US video game industry, look no further!
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