Jared asked me this week to talk again about my favorite otome game, and who am I to say no to that!? Since there is an upcoming Code: Realize anime in October, Jared wanted a crash course in this insanely bonkers story. Given that this is a game set in steampunk London with datable historic and literary guys, I was already sold from the get-go. I tell you who is best boy, give you hot takes on the special sexy CGs, and Jared is amazed at the life of a wealthy landowner.
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Hi all! This week, Jared and I decided to talk about the biggest surprise game of the year–Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. This strategy RPG had a recipe to be terrible, but it shocked us how great it it was. There is a spoiler warning when we get into story elements, if you don’t want to be spoiled on that. It’s definitely worth it to listen to how I defeated the final boss, though.
Leave a CommentHey guys! This week, we did an episode about Ocarina of Time. It’s considered one of the best games of all time, and so Jared finally got around to playing it. We talk about his thoughts, the overall impact of the game, the differences in the game and the manga, and how ponytail Link is best Link.
Leave a CommentThis week, Jared and I decided to dive into my dissertation research a bit and talk about one of the most fascinating and bizarre things about the early video games industry–the X-rated Atari 2600 games released in 1982 and 1983. We talk about the games in detail, talk about their contribution to the video game crash of 82-83, and we talk about the trajectory of adult games after these games were long gone and mostly forgotten.
CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains discussions about adult themes, sex, and scenes of rape in a video game.
Leave a CommentHi all! Jared and I created a Patreon for our podcast. The podcast will still be free and available on Saturdays at 12pm, but we set up some extras if you like what we do and wanna help us out.
Leave a CommentThis week, Jared and I decided to talk about an often misunderstood game–Final Fantasy X-2. We talk about how great the game is, the battle mechanics, the feminine aspects of the game, why people hate it, how it works as a sequel for Final Fantasy X, and a dose of gender in video games as well!
Leave a CommentI’m 10000% sure that anybody who knows me isn’t surprised that Jared and I wanted to talk about the new Persona announcements this week. We talk about Persona 5 the Animation, Persona Q 2, Persona 3 Dancing Moon Night, and Persona 5 Dancing Star Night. You can hear us talk about which ones we’re excited about and which we are a little hesitant on. I also tell you guys which hypothetical spin-off Persona game I’d sell my own kidney for. We talk about which characters we’d want in the games, and what we think the PQ2 game is going to be. We also laugh a lot about P3 protag dancing on his own grave.
Leave a CommentJared and I decided this week to talk about 2014’s Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun. After reading the first volume of the manga, I decided to watch the anime. Jared was already into the series, so we discuss what makes the anime so funny, the differences in the manga and the anime, how amazing the characters all are, and you get to hear me record while sick AGAIN.
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