In the history PhD program at George Mason University, there are a set of required digital history courses called the Clio Wired series.
In Clio Wired 1, we were given an overview of what Digital History is, was, and could be, as well as best practices. At the end of the semester, we were tasked with creating a Digital History project of our own. I decided to try my hand at recreating buildings in Sketchup by placing them on the sanborn maps. That project can be seen here.
In the next semester, I took Clio Wired 2, also known as History and New Media. In this class, we were tasked with learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and Photoshop. My projects throughout the semester are catalogued on the site. For my final project, I created a digital memory archive called the Press Start Digital Video Game Memory Archive.
Lastly, I took the optional Clio Wired 3, which is called Programming for Historians. Lincoln Mullen’s class was designed to teach historians how to program while keeping in mind the historical elements of why historians may want to program. We learned how to do more advanced programming in this class, such as using JavaScript and R. I also was able to create a tutorial for my class examining Vega, a visualization method using D3.
For my final project in this class, I decided to create a network analysis of the early video game industry in the United States. You can see this here.