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Anne Ladyem McDivitt Posts

Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology

If you’ve listened to several of our past podcasts or have just known me for any length of time, you know that I am obsessed with Radiant Historia. I have been on a  quest since 2011 to get people to play it. Because of the new rerelease, Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, I have FINALLY succeeded in getting someone else to play it! Jared picked up a copy after listening to me talk about it and playing the demo, and this week, we discuss the gameplay, the story, the changes made between the original, timeline traveling shenanigans, Stocke’s complete utter lack of subtlety, and how I am ridiculously and utterly in love with this game.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Shadow of the Colossus

Due to the recent remake, this week Jared and I chose to talk about 2005/2018’s Shadow of the Colossus. Jared had never played more than the demo of the game, and I played it when it came out due to being a huge fan of ICO back in the day. We discuss what we liked, what doesn’t really work anymore (especially in a post-Breath of the Wild world), preservation of video games and what remakes could mean for that, and how Agro is truly the best girl.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA—Strong Girl Bong-Soon

This week, Jared and I decided to shake things up a little bit. Instead of an anime, manga, or video game, we decided to talk about one of my favorite Korean dramas—Strong Girl Bong-Soon. This is Jared’s first foray into the genre, and we talk about the story, the comedic elements and how they work, how it is different from other Kdramas, and how it’s really nice to have a power fantasy for tiny ladies!

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Grab Bag (Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory, Dragonball FighterZ, Friends to the End DLC for Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero, and Doki Doki Literature Club!)

This week, Jared and I decided to talk about 3 games and a DLC pack. Jared talks about Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and Dragonball FighterZ, while I talk about the Friends to the End DLC pack for Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero and Doki Doki Literature Club!

We go in depth with spoilers, and this episode is a wild ride with all the variety we cover.

CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains discussions of suicide, self-mutilation/self-harm, and disturbing themes. Listener discretion is advised.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–ReLife

This week, Jared and I tackle being old and sleepy with an anime/manga about being old and getting a second chance at youth. ReLife is a 2016 anime and an ongoing manga, and I recently watched the dub. We discuss each episode of the anime, changes between the manga and anime, and how they could possibly wrap this series up. We also talk about how non-traditional it is in both the anime and manga, which is quite fitting given the nature of the series.

Also yay for adult protagonists (even if they don’t look like adults…)

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA– Chobits

After talking it up forever, Jared finally decided to check out of one of my favorite anime from way back in the crazy world of the early 2000s. Instead of going episode-by-episode on this one, we decided to talk about the series as a whole, what Jared felt as someone coming in new to this series without ANY background knowledge, how goofy it is that Hideki is always stoked to check his email, and the greater moral questions brought up by Chobits.

Also, happy birthday to Jared!1

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King

This week, Jared and I decided to look at a Switch/PC game that is somewhat similar to one of the best games on the SNES. We talked about what we liked about Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King, what didn’t work, and whether the game is only going to appeal to those that have the nostalgia of Link to the Past. Also, I will never beat Jared’s joke about this game on the podcast website, so bravo on that one, sir.

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2017 Game of the Year

This year has overall been a load of hot garbage. The one shining beacon of hope for me so far has been in video gaming. The quality of new games (and remakes!) this year has been extremely high, even if there were a few major disappointments. Most of the games on this list will come as no surprise to people that know me at all. With that said, here is my list of the best games of 2017, and it is very Nintendo-heavy. I’ve again stuck with 7 games. I figured that sometimes tradition can be fun, so this is my very own. We also made a supplemental Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA episode talking about our choices, and you can listen to that here.

Without further ado…AL’s 2017 Games of the Year!


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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA—Sailor Moon S:The Movie

Since it’s near Christmas, the two of us at SAC OVA decided to celebrate—Sailor Moon Style! Sailor Moon S: The Movie could be seen as a Christmas movie, and to make it even more interesting, we decided to watch the original 90s English dub. We discuss thoughts overall, that dub, and what changed from the localization. Happy holidays, y’all!

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