For those of you that need the information, the DH Fellows hold support hours on Mondays from 12-5. You’re more than welcome to come in with questions during those times.
1 CommentAnne Ladyem McDivitt Posts
As you all know, I had a crazy flub with my website last week. I blogged about that through the week here. Luckily, I have a website that I think is workable now (although, as we all know, it still needs improvement. I’ll take any suggestions in the comments!)Link is being fussy with me for some reason, but the URL is
This week, we had to read more about design, which I felt was immensely helpful. One thing that I had to consider when I was remaking my website was, “What kind of theme do I want? How can I demonstrate what I’m about?” That concept is how I came to decide on a classic gaming theme. However, I stuck to the idea that the reversal text is a no-no.
Since that scratched out the idea of an old computer game, such as Mystery House‘s black background and white text, I decided that the classic Nintendo theme was a better idea. That allowed for a grey text/background, as well as a pop of red for the title. I also switched out the photo of myself for a cover from an issue of Electronic Games, which was a big source of mine throughout my thesis. I also liked this idea, as it tied in the theme of the display fonts. Everything that is put on the web MUST be readable, and so I used the Courier fonts for the actual text, as it reflects an older style of writing, but it is still very legible on the web.
I am trying to think of my website as a grid now after doing the readings this week, and so going forward, that will be the concept that I consider while adding more to this.
See my comment on Beth’s blog this week.
6 CommentsWell, after the minor disaster that was me trying to mess around with my website, I scrapped the entire thing and started over. Right now, it’s very bare bones and does not have all of the text added (or links for that matter on the menu, which I’m still working on the spacing and coloring). However, I feel like the color scheme (Classic Nintendo) and the image work better for what I’m trying to go for, and I hope that it is going to be an overall better website for me. If you want to check it out and see the new progress and redemption from the disaster that was me trying to fix my template, feel free. Link is still the same–
Moral of the story–Don’t mess with things right before class. They can, and most likely will, break.
2 CommentsThis week, with the portfolio site due, I decided to try out altering a template using Dreamweaver. The results, luckily, were not terrible. It took a lot of work to try and figure out how to make the HTML work with the template, especially when I did not recognize some of it. I took out pieces that were not needed for my website, and I removed anything that I haven’t learned yet, for simplicity’s sake. Obviously the website will get better as we move forward in the semester and learn more, but overall, I am pleased with my results.
The worst part this week was figuring out how to attach my website to the domain via my FTP. I realized, after so much frustration, that I had been using the wrong FTP information when trying to connect, but I got it sorted out. Everything should be working, and I look forward to being able to make a website that is visually appealing and interesting.
The URL is here, so you can see for yourself my results.
See my comment on Sara’s blog.
5 CommentsFor one, I completely relate to Jannelle’s issue of an important website being pretty terrible. My experience with the Washington Gas site has been miserable!! It shows that design truly is important, and something we all must think about as we move forward.
As I was reading about design, I saw a list of four things good graphic design does. These things are:
1. It captures attention.
2. It controls the eye’s movement across the page or screen.
3. It conveys information.
4. It evokes emotion.
Although this list seems pretty “duh”, it really stuck with me as I read that design really isn’t that much different than what we do as historians. Those things on the list–we do them with writing. As historians, we build an argument and a story using the resources available to us. As digital historians, we must think of building in much different ways. I, in particular, felt that the Stanford Web Credibility Project will be very useful for us to utilize when we create our own projects. Much like historians use the old method of peer-reviewed journals and academic presses, this can be our new guide of how to tackle design for our projects.
This week, I commented on Kirk’s blog.
1 CommentHi guys! Most of you, I remember from last semester, but I just wanted to say that this is now my blog for Clio Two. I look forward to seeing you all this semester, and I hope that this will be a fun and informative semester.
1 CommentI will be presenting on my final project tonight, so I wanted to provide some information on what I will show you all.
For my digital project, I have created an architectural reconstruction of the Sanford Grammar School in Sanford, Florida. For a little bit of background information, this school is now used as the Public History Center, which is a museum for fourth grade field trips to study Florida history and geography. The school building was built in 1902, and it housed 1st through 12th grades. Wings were added to the building in 1917. A popular architect in the area, W. G. Talley, created the school in the Romanesque architectural style.
Previously, this building was placed on the most endangered places list by the Florida Trust in 2009. The building, despite its new partnership with University of Central Florida, is still deteriorating and is in need of very expensive repairs. However, it is still standing in its original form, for the most part.
My idea was to use a Sanborn map to rebuild the original structure before the wings were added. Here is a detail of the school on the map.
Here is a photograph of the reconstruction placed on the map.
Here is the front of the building.
I will show more photographs in class, as I believe it would take up way too much space here to present them. However, I have several angles, including front, side, back, and the outhouse!
I’m currently working on my argument aspect, as well as my paper that will go along with this. I feel that it is very useful to create reconstructions for buildings, both standing and no longer standing, to get further understanding of the building. It’s not a perfect representation, and I did my best on it.
I’ve also created a website that would present this information. Here is a basic version of that.
1 CommentSince we have been exploring the world of digital history throughout the semester, I figured that this topic would eventually come up. One thing that I have noticed while working with the fields of digital and public history is that collaboration is key to success, whereas traditional history focuses on one author, one book. However, as Dr. Kelly mentioned earlier, there is some type of collaboration in that process as well that makes the end product possible. With public and digital projects, the product can be multi-authored. There is also the aspect of working with the community, where even further collaboration is needed to make the project happen.
As you all are used to by now, one article in particular stuck out to me this week– “Improvising Digital History in the Deep South Digital Desert.” Being from Tennessee originally and doing most of my undergraduate and graduate work until now in Florida, I have dealt with the issue of digital history being taken seriously. Michael Mizell-Nelson says, “More students will undertake and complete digital projects once their thesis or dissertation advisors and entire departments value – and not merely approve of or tolerate – such work.” At my MA program, we had an option of a public or digital history project, but it was not the encouraged choice. With the research programs, collaborative projects were not encouraged, as only one person could “win” the forum, even if it was collaborative.
Once more programs and historians embrace collaboration and digital history, I believe that we will get more creative projects from it. I think I’m just rambling at this point, I believe, as I like the idea of being able to collaborate. I want more creativity, and I want the field to embrace it more!
4 CommentsDr. Kelly wrote in Teaching History in the Digital Age, “It is a bit disheartening to realize that more than 100 years ago historians were already warning their peers about the problems of lecturing.” I, too, find this information troubling. I’ve also been thinking about my own experiences both teaching and learning during my BA, MA, and now PhD processes. In my experience, incorporating the digital can sometimes just mean, “slap a powerpoint up there so they aren’t bored.” (Which, we all know how well THAT works!) But how do we get students to utilize the wealth of sources available to them? How can we assist them in being creative with their historical understanding and analysis without creating an altered document (like the Nuremberg video). I used to teach 4th graders, and although we could not give them digital means to learn history, we DID want them to be hands on. All of the exhibits that we had for our museum were required to have some type of interactivity. Can’t this also be applied to teaching history to older students with digital means?
I, for one, love the idea of letting students go on their own to find their sources, with guidance on how to choose a good source beyond “use .edu.”I love the idea of giving more choice than “use what I give you.” Isn’t that part of the historical process? Why are historians so fearful of changing how we teach students history, and why is there this ongoing theme that these new concepts are scary? All they can do is enhance our understanding of history even further.
More and more people are using social media as a method of communicating with each other and their ideas every single day. We know that these ideas are being recorded by the companies, and the information could potentially be used for research. Some of this information is considered “private” information, while others are very public. I was struck by Lev Manovich’s assertion that the digital footprint of people on these social networks should not be considered authentic. Historians already deal with that notion, as they have had to compare the private and public thoughts of many people that are constructed through private letters and public declarations of their feelings and beliefs, and often times, these ideas do not coincide.
Historians go through private and public information to demonstrate an argument regarding a historical event or figure (amongst other things). We use private data, such as letters or diaries, to formulate these arguments. Those letters or diaries were not meant for us to read. They were the private thoughts and communications of an individual. As many of you, while doing the readings this week, as well as our ongoing discussion of information on Facebook, I started to wonder…how is this concept any different from what we already do, besides there being more of it? How does having data from millions of Facebook users change what we do, or how could it? It’s interesting to think about, and it will be something that we and future historians will have to tackle soon.