This week, Jared and I return to the wild world of 2008 when a fantastic JRPG was an Xbox360 exclusive. (Yes, there were multiple, and yes, most were good.) Since Tales of Vesperia got its definitive release recently, Jared and I talk about our respective first play throughs, what’s changed in the definitive edition, the voice actor controversy, how a dreaming pianist snuck his way into this game, and how Yuri Lowell just wants to make sandwiches for his ragtag group of adventurers.
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Sometimes on the SAC OVA, Jared and I get a little educational! Since it’s Jared’s birthday today, we decided to talk about a project he spent an entire semester working on (and it’s so rad!). Jared created a college course on manga! So we talk about how he structured his course, the way that manga is currently treated in academia, which manga was relevant and important for the course, and why a course like this matters so much.
Leave a CommentLast September, Jared and I started watching Pop Team Epic (well, Jared watched it on the original Japanese run too), and we decided that we should finally talk about it. We talk about the show itself and its format, which jokes were the best, how referencing Chrono Trigger and Your Name in one episode made me fall hard for it, and that we both really want to watch Hoshiiro Girldrop.
Leave a CommentAfter giving this game one of the supplementary GOTY awards on the podcast, Jared and I decided to talk at length about the first game in the Trails of Cold Steel series. We talk about the characters, the twists, the similarities and differences to Tokyo Xanadu, and how jazzed we are to continue this amazing series. Also, Crow is ridiculous, as shown in the image.
Listen here!
Leave a CommentIt’s a tradition now! 2018 has been a weird year for games, especially given how strong last year was. Despite that, I came up with the 7 games I had the most fun playing in 2018. Without further ado, I’m gonna give you my favorite games in a list format for your viewing pleasure. The podcast where we talk about our Games of the Year is here. Give it a listen!

Our annual Christmas episode is here! Keeping with tradition of watching anime movies set at Christmas, Jared and I decided to watch Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. I actually have never watched anything Gundam related, and so look forward to some quality summary from me! We also talk about sweet Gundam designs and how a boyband saved the Earth, apparently.
Leave a CommentOne of the most anticipated games of this year finally dropped earlier this month, and so Jared and I are here to talk about whether the hype was founded. We talk about the insane unlocking mechanics, World of Light, which parts Jared and I liked best, and how I want to give Sakurai a Kirby pillow and blanket so he can just take the longest of naps.
Leave a CommentWe have reached our now annual podcast where Jared and I look to the future and talk about what video games and anime we’re looking forward to in 2019. Of course, we recorded this before the game awards, so none of that content was included. Whoops.
Leave a CommentWe’re back with MORE JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure! This time, Jared and I played through the PS4 fighting game, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven. We talk about the gameplay, which characters and teams are our favorites to play as, and how the story, which was overseen by Araki himself, unites all the Joestar lineage to collect all the burritos!
Leave a CommentWe thought we were going to get the Bouncer 2, but instead, Square Enix gave us The Quiet Man. One of the oddest showings at this year’s E3 was recently released, and it’s being lauded as The Room of video games. While conceptually the idea of playing as a deaf protagonist is fantastic, the implementation leaves a lot to be desired. Jared and I played through both routes of The Quiet Man so you didn’t have to, and we talk about it all! We also discuss how The Quiet Man is the prodigy of baking in New York City in our interpretation of the story.
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