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Category: Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA Podcast

Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Life is Strange

Often here on the SAC OVA, we bug each other to play some of our favorite video games. This week, Jared finally succeeded in getting me to play a game he loves–Life is Strange. We walk through the story episode by episode, which means there are spoilers all over the place. We talk about the major twists, the characters, the amazing OST, and how I felt about the game as a whole. Plus, we get the best line uttered in a video game in ages.

TW: parental death, suicide

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA—Beyond the Boundary

Recently, I watched Kyoto Animation’s 2013 hit Beyond the Boundary, and I thought I told Jared I was watching it. Turns out, I didn’t until the very end of me watching it, which led to some hilarity. However, Jared watched it at release, and so this week we get to talk about the brilliant action/shoujo anime in all its glory! We also talk about the original ending and the additional story that the movie adds.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Dead Rising 2 & Saints Row IV

Since Jared and I have been on a co-op kick lately, we’re back with two more games we recently played together–Dead Rising 2 & Saints Row IV. First, we talk about killing tons of zombies while in ridiculous outfits, then we talk about being the President of the United States and also wearing ridiculous outfits. We talk about whether these games hold up, and if the ports are any good. Prepare yourself for shenanigans!

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders

Last year, Jared and I did an episode about the first two parts of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure after I inexplicably started to love the series. This week, we’re back with part 3–Stardust Crusaders! We talk about the overall plot of the series, which parts made us lose our minds from the hype, the crazy good OPs and closing theme/sequences, which characters we loved, and how phenomenal the Viz English dub is. Most importantly, I get really stoked about the three ticket theory!

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA– The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

After years of pestering, I finally got Jared play one of my favorite games in The Legend of Zelda series–Skyward Sword. We talk about how anime the story is, how fantastic the characters are, get into a heated argument about Zelda’s characterization, whether the controls could be replicated for the Switch, and why Jared doesn’t ever want to make his friends swol.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Resident Evil 6

Recently, Jared and I looked through the sale co-op games on PS store, and we landed on a game that I’ve been meaning to finish. I’m a huge fan of Resident Evil, and Resident Evil 6 seemed like a fun ride, given that it combined so many series regulars into one interwoven narrative. Plus, co-op! This week, we discuss the story, how Jared could have mistaken this for a Metal Gear game, how much we both yelled at Leon S. Kennedy, and how the real best character of the entire series made his debut in this game.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Orange

CONTENT WARNING: Lots of talk about suicide in this episode.

Recently, I watched then 2016 anime Orange, which involves time-travel, a cute love story, and a lot of angst and tragedy.  Jared previously watched and reviewed it for the mainline podcast. We decided to go episode-by-episode and talk about the story, the heart-wrenching moments, the issues with the animation, how it treats mental illnesses and serious topics, and  what we think about the series as a whole.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–AL Learns about Dragon Ball Z

I never got into Dragon Ball Z as a kid, and I didn’t ever understand the hype. With weird schedule changes on Toonami lately before JoJo, I kept catching pieces of  Dragon Ball Z Kai and Dragon Ball Super, and I was mega confused by what the heck was going on. So in this episode, Jared attempts to teach me about Dragon Ball Z through the Cell Saga, while I attempt to guess what happens next. It’s a different format episode than normal, but it’s a really wild ride.

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle & Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk

For this week, we decided to do a mini-grab bag, so we talk about BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle and the most recent otome in the Summer of Mystery–Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk. First up, we talk about BlazBlue (which has no consistent pronunciation) and how fun the story is, how nice it is to see the P4 crew hanging out again, and how neither of us knew a dang thing about Under Night In Birth, but now we’re interested in those characters and story. Next up, we talked about Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk, which really plays more as a straight-up visual novel than an otome. As always, I walk everybody through the wild story, as well as each route and ending (with one flub because I didn’t care about the dude.) You can also check out our twitter for my updated list of otome rankings!

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Seasonal Anime Checkup OVA–Persona 3

Back in the day, Jared and I did a 2-part retrospective episode of the Persona series, but this week, we decided to focus solely on my favorite Persona game–Persona 3– after our recent play through of FES. In this episode, we talk about what worked and what really didn’t in the different iterations of the game, the story, why some controversial characters deserve more love, how FeMC route in P3P fleshed out a lot more of the characterizations, what we’re missing in recent Personas and what we’re glad is gone, and why I was initially drawn to the game and have loved it (and Akihiko Sanada) ever since.

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