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Design and the New Version of My Website

As you all know, I had a crazy flub with my website last week. I blogged about that through the week here. Luckily, I have a  website that I think is workable now (although, as we all know, it still needs improvement. I’ll take any suggestions in the comments!)Link is being fussy with me for some reason, but the URL is

This week, we had to read more about design, which I felt was immensely helpful. One thing that I had to consider when I was remaking my website was, “What kind of theme do I want? How can I demonstrate what I’m about?” That concept is how I came to decide on a classic gaming theme. However, I stuck to the idea that the reversal text is a no-no.

Since that scratched out the idea of an old computer game, such as Mystery House‘s black background and white text, I decided that the classic Nintendo theme was a better idea. That allowed for a grey text/background, as well as a pop of red for the title. I also switched out the photo of myself for a cover from an issue of Electronic Games, which was a big source of mine throughout my thesis. I also liked this idea, as it tied in the theme of the display fonts. Everything that is put on the web MUST be readable, and so I used the Courier fonts for the actual text, as it reflects an older style of writing, but it is still very legible on the web.

I am trying to think of my website as a grid now after doing the readings this week, and so going forward, that will be the concept that I consider while adding more to this.

See my comment on Beth’s blog this week.


  1. Hey Anne,
    I’m with you – trying to sit down and make changes to the work we’ve done and incorporate this week’s readings. I tried to click on your link to the website and it didn’t work. I’m excited to see how the gaming theme works out – it’s great that you have such a visually interesting subject field to play with!

    • I can’t seem to get the link to the website to behave today! GRRRRR.

  2. Anne,
    I think your new site looks great- the gaming font adds style and interest. It could be cool to incorporate more image, such as making the current image bigger or trying to make it a background image for your header. Just a thought. The light gray menu text is a little hard to read on the black menu bar. Other than that small detail, it’s looking great!

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